Welcome to the Wheelersburg Local Schools transportation page. The transportation policies of the Board are aimed at providing a safe, efficient and economical method of getting students to and from school. We hope you find the information and links on this page helpful.
Contact Information
Kellie Reinhardt, Transportation Supervisor
P.O. Box 340
620 Center Street
Wheelersburg, Ohio 45694
Office: 740-574-0585
Fax: 740-574-6134
Email: [email protected]
Transportation Department Staff
Transportation Supervisor:
Kellie Reinhardt
Jerry Prise
Linda Bailey
Richaelle Bending
Ben Carter
Josh Easter
Chris Ehrhart
Ryan Etterling
Jeff Hall
Johnna Jones
Brandy Starrett
Micah Stiles
Student Transportation Policy
Policy EEA: Student Transportation Services
Non-Public Student Transportation Policy
The District will provide transportation for eligible students who attend community, STEM and private schools in compliance with State law when practical. See Student Transportation Policy EEA.
Non-Public Transportation Form
Non-Public Student Transportation Application. Parents seeking transportation to area non-public schools should submit this application to the Transportation Supervisor.