FinalForms Online Registration System
Wheelersburg School District is now using an online system to register new students to the District. To begin the process, you will need to create yourself an account in the system. Once your account is created, you will be able to complete the initial enrollment information online. Once that has been reviewed at the District, you will receive an email with next step instructions.
If you are wanting to enroll a student that does not live within the boundaries of the District (known as Open Enrollment), you will need to first complete the Open Enrollment form, and turn it in to the Superintendent's Office. This form, as well as the District Board's policy on Open Enrollment, can be found under the Registration page in the right sidebar. Once your child has been accepted through open enrollment, you will use FinalForms to enroll your child.
Please view the Wheelersburg NEW Parent Playbook to assist you in using FinalForms. When entering information into the fields, be sure to use proper capitalization. Thank you.
The following documents are required before students can be fully enrolled and be scheduled into classes.
- Proof of residence, for example a utility bill
- Original Birth Certificate
- Student Social Security Card
- Immunization Record
- Custody Papers (if applicable)
- Parent Picture ID, for example a driver’s license